ISO 9001 certification in Yanbu

ISO 9001 certification in Yanbu

Risk based approach of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System in Yanbu Industrial City: 

As part of ISO 9001, the risk-based approach really enables  an organisation to identify and prioritize those issues that most affect quality issues now as a result, the decision making is then going to be surely in the hands of a team of informed managers and will enable an organisation in Yanbu industrial city to focus on critical issues.

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    Clause number 4 of ISO 9001
    helps to outline risk based approach

    You’re going to set out the context of your organization within that you’re going to look at the  issues that can affect not only your organization but also the needs and expectations of your interested parties, all of those things in in that set of information you’ll be able to look at and say how likely is this to happen what would be the severity if it went wrong or what’s the opportunity that could we could maximize from it, assessing that consistently perhaps using a likelihood and severity type risk assessment like we have described here really it helps you to quantify what the issues are so that you can then prioritize them, so if something is more likely to happen or it’s going to have a more severe outcome, if it goes wrong then you know that you need to put your resources on managing that before something that is less likely to happen or has a less severe outcome so it’s about common sens.

    Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) approach of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System in Yanbu Industrial City

    The second approach to adopt within the iso 9001 system in Yanbu Industrial City is that of the Plan,, Do, check and Act about continual improvement and this really helps. it is about process not perfection, the plan, do, check, act cycle will get you and your team into the habit of reviewing your activities and ensuring that they’re capable of achieving their purpose. 


    planning is really establishing what do you need to do for example that could deliver customer satisfaction, if you were looking at the planning of your sales operation you would say what do i need to do to run an effective team? or run an effective process?


    having planned what you would then do, you would carry out those processes and in carrying out that processes what you’re able to do is to generate data that you can monitor and measure, so having followed those processes and would have done it, the level of quality that is expected has it happened within the certain amount of time that expected it to, did it take the certain amount of time that is expected it to or was able to do it within the cost or budget that we had initially.


    determined using that monitoring and measurement information you can then check what’s going on, so in checking what you’re going to say is what we know now that we didn’t know then and then you’re in a really good position to take action.


    The final part of the plan do check act obviously is taking action and those things could be about putting right something that you haven’t followed that you hadn’t done as you had originally planned or about improving the situation, so you might say here was my first plan, here’s what we did but i could do it better my actions are going to be let’s do that better and then you go back into the planning cycle and you say right this is how we’re going to do it this time round and that circle of evaluation and improvement is fundamental within ISO 9001. 

    How to implement ISO 9001 requirements in Yanbu industrial city

    The ISO 9001 standard sets out the requirements that are really the minimum level of quality that you need to achieve, within other standards in the 9001 family there’s a standard called iso 9004 which looks at a maturity model the maturity model is about how you can improve from that baseline through to a really optimized and highly performing process,


    Step 1

    So the maturity step one might be where you’ve got a process in place but maybe it’s a bit ad hoc, you would hope that once you’ve got a process in place you’re a bit beyond that and you’re actually. You can do it time and time again, step three is about defining maybe some targets to improve or defining the process a bit better so that people are really clear about what they need to do and that you’ve got a really solid base for training and development


    Step 2
    It takes you on a little bit further and says right is your process more tested have you operated your process have you put it under pressure and have you started then to maybe look at what you could do to improve it and as a result you’ll start to achieve which is optimization, this is where you start to say right my process has been tested people really understand what they ‘redoing and even more than that your team or your workers will then be telling you what you can do to improvised.
    It almost takes on a life of its own on this continual improvement journey of 9004 is a supplementary standard to ISO 9001 so it’s not one that you can get certification for but it’s certainly a really useful tool to look at and it gives you a it lays out a journey for improvement and you don’t have to apply that to every single part of the 9001 system but for those areas where you do want to improve and where you do want to optimize it’s a useful reference.

    What documents do the clauses of
    ISO 9001:2015 in Yanbu industrial city describe?

    In ISO 9001 standard, the first three clauses are non-auditable, well clause 4 for the context, clause 5 for leadership and clause 6 for planning generally constitute planning type activity, clauses 7 and 8 which are about support measures and also the operations, clause 9 which is about monitoring and measurement really covers the check elements and then clause 10 which is about improvement is the acting so you can see how it’s embedded within that.

    Clause 4

    What you’re going to do is you’re going to set out a description of the business and identify the key issues that could affect quality, using that information in subsequent planning will help you focus the attention on the critical issues using that risk-based approach that we talked about now the typical documents that you’re going to need to pull together for your system will be a manual which could include a clause by clause description and a scope statement and also if it’s necessary if your organization is large enough a separate documented context of the organization which includes a register of interested parties and maybe a table that defines their needs and expectations those things will be really helpful when it comes to clause 6.

    Clause 5

    which is about your leadership, that’s a little bit more difficult to document but you would expect as a minimum that you have a quality policy and an organization chart that defines the roles and responsibilities of people that are going to manage your quality system.

    Clause 6

    in clause 6 for planning, the typical documents that you’re going to create will be a risk assessment process, a risk and opportunity register, an objectives register and also a change management procedure that will help you make changes to the ISO management system itself.

    Clause 7

    Support, so within support that clause really sets out the requirements that are going to help the management team and the business to implement and maintain an effective management system, there are five clauses or sub-clauses within clause 7 that break out the elements such as maintenance of the calibration, the infrastructure, management processes and you’ll need to keep records such as your fixed wiring or maybe your calibration records and evidence that you’ve actually done it and importantly what you’re going to have to also have in these clauses are your staff management and training processes so how are you going to determine and evaluate the levels of competencies of your staff, what competencies do you need them to achieve, what training or support or mentoring, are you going to give them to achieve that and how are you going to know at the end of any particular cycle that they are actually operating, with those competencies how effective has it been, you’re also going to need some communication processes so how are you going to manage internal and external communications in regard for quality, so who would be your point person for complaints or who would be the person that an internal worker or employee would go to if they’ve got a suggestion for improvement so those are processes you’re going to need and finally for clause 7 you’re going to need some processes that help you define and manage your documented information so documented information doesn’t need to necessarily be actual hard copy documents but it could be your electronic information, it could be maybe the integrity and security of your databases and how are you going to make sure that anyone who needs that information has access to it, there are some overlaps with information security in this and a typical question or audit might be, how do you back up that information or how do you protect it from being deleted for example by someone who is unauthorized to,

    Clause 8

     the second section of this is clause 8 which is operations and this really as said before is the heart of your day-to-day operations, so what is for example your sales and ordering processes if you are designing product or services for this, how do you manage your supplier show do you carry out your day-to-day production or delivery of service if it’s appropriate how are you storing or distributing your products. 

    Complaint handling procedure as per
    ISO 9001:2015 in Yanbu Industrial City:

    It is really importantly for quality how do you manage your complaints and how do you manage those product faults that could occur day to day, so now we’ve looked at planning and we’ve also looked at the doing let’s look at the checking clause which is clause nine, within clause 9 which covers the monitoring and measurement evaluation and analysis elements of your activities what you’re going to need to do is think about the data you’re going to collect, what data are you going to use to monitor and measure your processes, within this clause as well you’ve got a sub clause for internal audits so understanding your internal audit program and how you’re going to set it so what are the processes going to be with your management team that they can say right, these are the areas we want to look at and also the sub clause 9.3 for management review, so who in your management team will be getting together to look at all of this data and understand all of the elements of the management system and make sure that it’s operating effectively importantly as well that management team will give you really good in put into the priorities that they see for maybe some corrective actions or some improvement objectives, so what leadership are they giving you to go through that cycle again to make those actions to start replanning and then to make your processes and operations better.

    Corrective actions according to
    ISO SO 9001:2015 Yanbu Industrial City

    In the ISO 9001 Yanbu Industrial City standard is clause 10 for improvement, this final clause in the standard really concludes the plan, do, check, act cycle and puts the processes for corrective action and improvements in place the corrective action processes are going to be those things that help you manage the issues that you might have found through internal audits or your issues from complaints or customer feedback, things that you’re going to need to put right you’re going to be able to write those down to understand them and then be able to look for trends across them as well, so not only solve the individual problems but then start to be able to see are there actually issues that are occurring and there’s a theme and the improvement actions this really ties in with your objectives, so those things that the management team wanted to improve the improvement actions really this gives you the governance to make sure that those things happen so who’s going to be involved, have you set a smart target for example is it specific measured is it achievable is it realistic and is it timed those improvement actions are absolutely crucial and this information from clause 10 all about improvement is great to go back to your teams with and say look this is how we’re improving because it helps engage them in the whole process and gives them confidence that you’re improving the business and where they work. 

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